BR Scouts Privacy Notice

Our Privacy Notice describes the categories of personal data we process and for what purposes.

We are committed to collecting and using such data fairly and in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Who we are

Bury an Ramsbottom Scout District Council is a youth charity. Our mission is to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society. We are incorporated by royal charter and are regulated as a member of the UK The Scout Association, (see for more information.) As part of The Scout Association we are not required to be individually registered with the UK Charity Commission.

Every year in the summer term we hold an annual general meeting where members of the charity executive committee (our trustees), are elected, any parent of a youth members can decide to be in the executive at the AGM and every parent has the right to attend the Annual General Meeting.

We are based at BADEN POWELL HALL, MILLETT STREET, BURY, BL9 0JB but our groups operate all over Bury and Ramsbottom

Our Group Executive Committee is the data controller for the information we collect from you. Any personal data that we collect will only be in relation to the work we do with our members and through our relationship with supporters, donors and funders.

Your rights

You have the right to object to how we process your personal information. You also have the right to access, correct, sometimes delete and restrict the personal information we use. In addition, you have a right to complain to us and to the data protection regulator.

Please contact the Assistant District Commissioner for Media for more information in the first instance. ā€“

How we gather personal information

The majority of the personal information we hold on you is provided to us directly by yourself or by parents / legal guardian in either paper form, or via our online membership systems. In the case of an adult member, data may also be provided by third party reference agencies, such as the Atlanticā€™s Disclosure and Barring Service.

Where a member is under the age of 13, this information will only be obtained from a parent / guardian and cannot be provided by the young person. However, we will accept and potentially record any personal information, such as about any ongoing medical treatment from any member no matter their age.

How we use your personal information

We collect your personal and medical information for the protection of that person whilst in the care of our Leaders

The collection of a personā€™s religion data is necessary to respect their beliefs with regards to activities, food and holidays.

We process the data to have the ability to contact the member, parents and guardians, to inform them of meetings, events that the District itself may be running, or you may be attending. We will also inform you of events or opportunities that, as an individual, you may be interested in.

Our legal basis for using your personal information

We only use your personal information where that is permitted by the laws that protect your privacy rights. We only use personal information where:

a)        we need to use the information to comply with our legal obligations.

b)       we need to use the information legitimately to contact you, regarding meetings, events etc, (i.e. for the running of scout group meetings).

c)        it is fair to use the personal information in your interests, where there is no disadvantage to you. This can include where it is in our interests to contact you about products or services within Scouting.

Sharing and transferring personal Information

We will only normally share personal information within Bury and Ramsbottom Scout District.

We may also share a memberā€™s personal detail with The Scout Association and its insurance subsidiary ā€œUnityā€, local authority services and law enforcement, along with any other insurance company we has contracted to provide services. We will only share your personal information to the extent needed for those purposes.

If you move from Bury and Ramsbottom Scouts to another role or group in Scouting we will transfer your personal information to them.

We will never sell your personal information to any third party for the purposes of marketing.

Sometimes we may nominate a member for a national award, (eg. Scouting or Duke of Edinburgh award). Such nominations would require we provide contact details to that organisation. With parental consent.


Third Party Data Processors

Bury and Ramsbottom Scouts employs the services of the following third-party data processors: –

The Scout Association via its membership system ā€œCompassā€ which is used to record the personal information of leaders, adults and parents who have undergone a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

Unity Insurance (The Scout Association Insurance company)

Online Youth Manager Ltd (Online Scout Manager) which is used to record the personal information and attendance records etc. We have a data processing agreement in place with Online Youth Manager, more information is available at

Microsoft which is used to provide each leader in the district with a district email address and associated Office 365 facilities. As such personal data may be transferred via email, OneDrive SharePoint etc.

CK Enterprises Online Ltd which provide our Online Hosting platform which allows us to host our district and group sites. They also process data in the form of an online platform which allows us to collect information from Leaders about their Camps, Known as an Online NAN form.

How long we keep your personal information for

We will retain your personal information; throughout the time you are a member of Bury and Ramsbottom Scout District or any of its groups

We will not retain your full personal information after you have left the district, but will retain it, in a limited form (name, date of birth, address, email and attendance records) for a period of up to 15 years (until age 21) to fulfil our legal obligations for insurance and legal claims.

Automated decision making

Bury and Ramsbottom Scouts does not have any automated decision-making systems.

Transfers outside the UK

Bury and Ramsbottom Scouts will not transfer your personal information outside of the UK, with the exception where an Event is taking place outside of the UK and it is necessary to provide personal information to comply with our legal obligations. Although generally such an event will have its own data collection form.

Data Storage

Bury and Ramsbottom Scouts is committed to the protection of your personal information.

We generally store personal information in one of six secure digital database systems, where access to that data is restricted and controlled.

Compass: – is the online membership system of The Scout Association, this system is used for the collection and storage of Adult personal data.

Online Scout Manager is an online membership system run by Online Youth Manager Ltd. This is a secure membership database where we store the personal information of Youth and Adult members for the day to day running of the campsite.

Office 365 OneDrive  for district documents

Printed records and Event data

Paper is still used within Bury and Ramsbottom Scouts to capture and retain some data for example the following: –

  • New joiners form.
  • Health and contact records update forms.
  • Events consent from parents.
  • Events coordination with event organisers.
  • Award notifications/nominations

In the case of Joining forms, health and contact update forms, this information is securely held by the leaders, and transferred to our secure digital systems as soon as possible before the paper form is destroyed.


As a member of Bury and Ramsbottom District it is hoped you will take up the opportunity to attend events and camps. Where it is necessary to fulfil our legal obligations, we will be required to potentially have a less secure means to access personal information, (eg. printouts of personal contacts and medical information, including specific event contact forms). We will minimise the use of paper to only what is required for the event/camp.

We will ensure

a)        Transfer of paper is secure, (eg. physical hand to hand transfer or registered post.)

b)       Paper forms are securely destroyed after use.

c)        Secure destruction will be through a shredding machine.

d)       Always keeping the paper records secure, especially when in transit, by using:

                                                               i.      A lockable brief case.

                                                              ii.      A lockable filing cabinet if long term stored.

e)       If transferred to somebody, we will audit that they return them when the event is complete.


Sometimes we may nominate a member for national award, (eg. Queens Scout or Duke of Edinburgh award). Such nominations would require we provide contact details to the awarding organisation, this is most often done on paper via registered post, with parental consent.


Photographs / images of yourself or your son/daughter may be taken during activities and maybe used within a Scouting context and in particular publicity material, (eg. Scouting publications and the media). Images may be published to official Scout websites, Scouting affiliated social media, and our public display boards at the campsite. However, will never identify individuals in line with Scout Association guidelines.

Consent for Photography is gathered when they join the movement and subsequently before each event that requires a consent form.

Please note that the Bury and Ramsbottom District cannot control or stop images being taken by other individuals, parents or organisations not connected with Bury and Ramsbottom District.

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