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Zoom Co-Host Accounts

I’ve had a response from the HQ Digital team about Zoom Pro licenses and letting other users run meetings without the account holder having to be present.

Licensed account holders can now add “basic” users (other leaders) to their accounts to start and manage a meeting on their behalf – after sharing the host key (for each scheduled meeting) with them.

Basic users NEED to signup on the scouts form below to be associated with a licensed account

How does it work?
* The licensed user schedules the meeting on the zoom site
* The licensed user invites the relevant basic users to the meeting
* The licenced or basic user can share the meeting details with young people, parents and others who should be invited to the meeting – these will all be guest users
* If the licenced user isn’t attending the meeting, they’ll need to share the host key with the basic user so that they can become the host (instructions below)
* The basic user will then need to click ‘claim host’ in the participants list at the bottom and enter the host key from the licenced user (instructions below)
* The basic user can then end the meeting or act as the host during the session (don’t forget to ‘end the meeting for all’ so no one is left behind in Zoom – just like you would before locking up your meeting place!)

Basic users should sign up here!/

How to obtain host key as licensed user

How to claim host as basic user

This guidance has now been published at the link below

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