The District Team is made up of representatives from each District Section and meet no frequently than bi monthly. To contact the District Team please email

Stacey White
District Lead Volunteer (Acting)
Lee has overall responsibility for the District. He approves all activities. It is his role to ensure the district runs effectively and that Scouting develops in accordance with the rules and policies of The Scout Association so that young people can benefit from good quality scouting.

Gwen Brown
Assistant District Lead Volunteer – Cubs
Gwendolyn Assists Lee the District Commissioner with the running of the Cub Sections, including the personal support and encouragement of Leaders.

Nick Mabbutt
Assistant Lead Volunteer – 14-24 Team
Nick assists Lee the District Commissioner with the running of the District Explorer Section, including the personal support and encouragement of Leaders.

Matt Dunkin
District Chairman
The District Chair leads the Executive Committee, ensuring that it fulfils its responsibilities within the District.

Rick Madden
Transformation Lead
Our Transformation Leads drive our 2018-2025 Skills for Life Strategy forward and lead on implementing change locally. They prepare and support their local area as it embraces and achieves positive change that helps more young people gain Skills for Life

Leesa Beckwith
Assistant District Lead Volunteer – Scouts
Leesa Assists Lee the District Commissioner with the running of the Scout Sections, including the personal support and encouragement of Leaders.

Janice Butterworth
Assistant District Lead Volunteer – Beavers
Janice Assists Lee the District Commissioner with the running of the Beaver Sections, including the personal support and encouragement of Leaders

Charlie Kemp
Assistant Lead Volunteer – Support Team
Charlie supports the District Commissioner and District Team with communications and IT support and provides IT support for District. Including managing the Websites and Office 365 Environments.

Noel Hankinson
District Treasurer
The Treasurer will provide sound financial administration, support and information to the Executive Committee and District in accordance with the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association.
Volunteers Needed
All of our leaders are trained volunteers working to make scouting the best it can be, but we don’t just need swashbuckling adventurers to lead our expeditions. We also need tidy-uppers and tea-makers and great listeners from all walks of life – for as much or as little time as they can spare.

Find your local Group
- Search by Postcode
- Ramsbottom District Explorer Unit
- 11th/24th Bury (St John’s with St Mark’s)
- 9th Ramsbottom (St Philips C.E.)
- 2nd Ramsbottom (St Paul’s C.E)
- 3rd Ramsbottom (St Joseph’s)
- 1st Ramsbottom (St Andrew’s)
- 5th Ramsbottom (Holcombe)
- 7th Ramsbottom (Greenmount)
- 52nd Bury (1st Unsworth)
- 12th Bury (St.Annes Tottington)
- 34th Bury (St Stephens)
- 20th Bury (St Peter’s)
- 48th Bury (St Paul’s)
- 53rd Bury (Seedfield Methodist)
- 44th Bury (R.O.B.O.T.)
- 9th Bury (Christ Church Walmersley)