Young Leaders
The Young Leaders’ Scheme is just one of the exciting programme elements in the Explorer Scout section. The Scheme helps Explorer Scouts to develop and grow as individuals. It allows them to make a valuable contribution to their community and give service to others. The scheme also helps them fulfil the service elements of their awards and develop and grow as individuals..
Young leaders must be between the ages of 14 and 18. They are affiliated to the Explorer Scout Section and where appropriate, wear the Explorer Scout uniform shirt or blouse and the Mersey Weaver Explorer Necker.

I want to register (to be) a Young Leader
You do not need to be a current member of the Scout Association to become a young leader. If you are interested in developing leadership skills and volunteering please get in touch.
Young Leaders Placement Agreement

The Young Leader Placement Agreement helps Scout Groups, Section Leaders and Young Leaders ensure that an effective working relationship exists between all the parties involved. It is a written undertaking that deals directly with the provision for Young Leader(s) working in one or more sections within a Scout Group.
It highlights the responsibilities of and requirements for Young Leaders as well as the Group Scout Leader (GSL), Section Leader, Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader), and the District Explorer Scout Commissioner. The Young Leaders Placement Agreement should follow the framework set out in the Scout Association guidance, which provides guidelines that the Scout Group and Young Leader Unit should be aware of and adhere to.
Young Leader Award
Hone your leadership skills by volunteering with a younger section.
The Young Leaders’ Scheme helps Explorer Scouts to develop and grow as individuals. It allows them to make a valuable contribution to their community and give service to others. The scheme also helps them fulfil the service elements of their awards.