Youngsters celebrated for saving others with Scouts skills

  • Two young people in Bury & Ramsbottom Scout District have received awards for their brave actions, helping others.
  • Charlie Canderlin, an Explorer Scout, gave a stranger CPR while on holiday, saving his life.
  • Emily Parrs, a Scout, stopped her brother from falling into an icy lake, after he suffered a head injury.

Two young people in Bury and Ramsbottom Scout District have been celebrating receiving special awards for their brave actions.

Emily Parrs (from 44th Bury & Ramsbottom (Reverend’s Own Scout Troop)) saved her twin brother – Sam – after he slipped and hurt his head on a feeder pipe into Hollingworth Lake in Littleborough.

Instead of panicking, she held on to Sam’s arm – not having the strength to pull him to safety – whilst shouting for help. The twins’ parents were soon at her side to rescue him. Without Emily’s quick thinking and tenacity, her twin could have been swept into the icy lake whilst severely concussed.

Afterwards, Emily said: “I was really scared and my arms were hurting badly but I knew I had to hold on to Sam until help came”.

Charlie Canderlin (formerly in 12th Bury and Ramsbottom (St Anne’s Tottington) and now at Ramsbottom Explorer Unit) was on holiday in Norfolk when he spotted a man unconscious on the pavement.

Charlie checked the man’s vital signs (pulse, breathing, etc). His breathing was shallow and light so he started giving the man CPR whilst his Mum rang for an ambulance. It arrived minutes later and took over the gentleman’s care. The crew commented that, without Charlie’s quick thinking and bravery, the man would have probably died at the scene. Charlie said he had learnt about CPR during his Scouts and Explorer Scouts first aid evenings.

Charlie’s mum, Kate Wilson, said: “I was very proud of Charlie. He surprised himself with how much of his First Aid training he remembered straight away. He said it just all came back to him.  The man in question was stone cold and his breathing was very weak yet Charlie kept persevering; never giving up.  Charlie checked for injuries and made sure his airway was clear. The ambulance arrived extremely quickly and the paramedics took over.

“It was a lovely email to receive to say that Scouts wanted to recognise what Charlie did, he was calm, focused, extremely concerned and went straight into 1st aid mode. Scouts has been one of the best things Charlie has ever done. He joined 10 years ago as a Beaver and has continued all the way to Explorers. It has helped shape him into the young man he is becoming.”

Charlie was taught First Aid by one of the volunteers at his Explorer Scout Unit, Charlie Kemp, who said: “It’s incredible to see how Scouts equips young people with the skills to help others when it matters most. That’s what we’re all about.

“As volunteers, we love seeing their growth and confidence in action. I’d recommend Scouting to anyone – it’s a rewarding experience for both young people and adults alike.”

Emily received the Chief Scout’s Commendation for Meritorious Conduct Award and Charlie received the Chief Scout’s Personal Award. They were awarded by Elizabeth Farr, County Lead Volunteer for Greater Manchester North, and Stacey White, District Lead Volunteer for Bury and Ramsbottom. For both young people, the awards were a complete surprise.