Dear Members
There has been some changes within the district over the last couple of months, which I would like to celebrate in this email.
Firstly, Matt Epton has agreed to become Deputy District Commissioner. This role will focus on giving Group Scout Leaders support, looking at developing the district plan and supporting the district in other ad hoc areas. I would like to thank him for taking on this new role and have been in contact on a regular basis to help discuss district matters. Matt has some great new ideas to help make the workings of district run smoother and groups. His email is
Unfortunately, we have seen David Butterworth step down as District Chair this year. David has been District Chair for a number of years. He has worked really hard to help merge the old districts together. On a personal level, he has supported me a lot over the years from when I was Explorer Commissioner and helped when I became District Commissioner. I would like to personally thank him for his years’ service to help the district become an amazing district to be proud of. When we get back to face to face scouting, I can’t wait to celebrate in the near future.
In looking for David’s replacement, I am glad to see Michael Hope has accepted my invitation to become District Chair. He has previously been a GSL and has been part of the District Executive for a few years. His experience and knowledge will help bring some of the issues to light. He is also looking into awards within the district which will hopefully see more awards being handed out in the future. He has a great new awards scheme which he is going to launch soon and will hopefully see more achievements celebrated within the district. Michael Hope (District Chairman) <>;
Return to Scouting Update
As some of you are aware guidance has been published with regards to return to scouting, I have outlined what this means for us at a local level and what you need to do at this stage.
The Scouts Framework is aligned with Government-approved guidance for the Youth Sector developed by the National Youth Agency. Below you will see the current National Youth Agency readiness level.
National Youth Agency readiness level
As you can see, each level outlines what changes can be made:
RED – Digital only <– Current Stage
AMBER – Digital and small groups outdoors
YELLOW – Large groups outdoors, small indoors – Can start using buildings
GREEN – Overnight and back to normal. No camps until GREEN
Please remember, face to face Scouts is still suspended as the National Youth Agency readiness level is still red – but this is guidance to help you prepare for a time where restrictions may ease enough to allow it.
What does this mean?
- To move from one stage to another, when allowed by HQ, each section/Group need to submit a Risk Assessment to District. These may change as we move through the stages or venues change. I’ve attached a template for the COVID-19 Risk Assessment, however we have a zoom meeting due on the 8th July to discuss the face to face guidance which will be useful. People will be able to share their thoughts and help each other.
Risk Assessments need to be submitted & approved by Lee please email them to –
- Read this framework/guidance –
- Check with members whether they wish to continue with scouting. The census is now 15th October each year, including this. Payment of Capitation stays same. Check members to get accurate numbers.
- Webinar on the 2nd July will provide a further update on return to scouting – District will be providing a local update on the 8th July 2020 to give more guidance on this.
Thanks for all the brilliant things you do in scouting, can’t wait to hear about them and celebrate as soon as we can.
Yours in Scouting