Ten Explorer Scouts were awarded their Explorer Belt at the Mayor’s Parlour at Bury Town Hall on the 25 February 2019.
The Explorers, which were split into three teams, undertook the Explorer Belt during Summer 2018, a Scouting Award which promotes adventure and self-reliance in an international context.
They started planning in mid 2017 having to cover all transport and training costs. Baking cakes, running craft stalls, helping Santa and organising a Race Night were just some of the events they organised.
During the 10-day trek, the Explorers had to complete their own main project together with 10 mini tasks all designed to encourage them to find out more about the country, its culture and people. After flying from Manchester to Switzerland, they set off on their trek from Aarburg to walk 100 miles, mainly following the route of the country’s largest lake, Lake Neuchâtel.
PresentationFundraising Activity
Fundraising Activity
Fundraising ActivityPractice Hike
Practice Hike
Practice Hike
Fundraising Activity
Fundraising Activity
Fundraising Activity
Fundraising ActivityStart of Final Expedition
Start of Final Expedition
Start of Final ExpeditionEnd of Final Expedition
End of Final Expedition
End of Final Expedition
If you have any other images please send them to charles.kemp@brscouts.org.uk